15- 25cm Alocasia Jacklyn Elephant Ear 9cm Pot House Plant

Alocasia 'Jacklyn' is an exotic and striking houseplant, gaining popularity among plant enthusiasts for its unique foliage and striking appearance. It features distinctive, deeply lobed leaves that create an almost prehistoric or sculptural aesthetic, making it a standout choice for interior décor. Here's a detailed...

15- 25cm Alocasia Jacklyn Elephant Ear 9cm Pot House Plant

15- 25cm Alocasia Jacklyn Elephant Ear 9cm Pot House Plant

£0.00 £29.99

15- 25cm Alocasia Jacklyn Elephant Ear 9cm Pot House Plant

£0.00 £29.99

Alocasia 'Jacklyn' is an exotic and striking houseplant, gaining popularity among plant enthusiasts for its unique foliage and striking appearance. It features distinctive, deeply lobed leaves that create an almost prehistoric or sculptural aesthetic, making it a standout choice for interior décor. Here's a detailed description and care guide for Alocasia 'Jacklyn':


Alocasia 'Jacklyn' showcases dramatic, dark green leaves with deeply serrated edges and prominent veining, which adds to its textural appeal. The leaves are unusually shaped, resembling an elongated heart with jagged edges, and can grow quite large when the plant is cared for properly. The undersides of the leaves have a lighter green shade, which contrasts beautifully with the darker top surfaces. The stems are sturdy and can also display a subtle coloration that complements the foliage.

Care Guide


Alocasia 'Jacklyn' thrives in bright, indirect light. It should be shielded from direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. A spot near an east or north-facing window, where the light is filtered, would be ideal. If placed in a south or west-facing window, ensure it is set back from the window or protected by sheer curtains.


Water this plant when the top couple of inches of soil feel dry to the touch. Alocasia 'Jacklyn' prefers the soil to be consistently moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a common issue with Alocasia plants. During the winter months, reduce watering as the plant's growth slows down.


Use a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter. A mix designed for aroids, typically containing peat, perlite, and bark, works well to maintain the necessary balance of moisture retention and drainage.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant prefers warm conditions and does not tolerate cold drafts. Maintain an indoor temperature between 18 to 27 degrees Celsius. High humidity levels are crucial for the Alocasia 'Jacklyn', ideally between 60% and 80%. Use a humidifier or place the plant on a humidity tray to increase ambient moisture, especially in drier climates or during winter when indoor heating can reduce humidity.


Fertilize Alocasia 'Jacklyn' every 4-6 weeks during the growing season with a diluted balanced liquid fertilizer. Avoid feeding in the winter months when the plant's growth naturally slows.


Prune away any yellowing or dead leaves to keep the plant healthy and to encourage more vigorous growth. This also helps to maintain an aesthetically pleasing shape and prevent disease.

Pests and Diseases

Be vigilant about pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. Regularly inspect the plant, paying close attention to the undersides of the leaves. Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Also, be cautious of overwatering to prevent root rot and other fungal diseases.

Alocasia 'Jacklyn' is an impressive plant that can add a touch of the tropical to any indoor setting. Its care requirements are a bit more demanding, particularly regarding humidity and watering, making it better suited for those with some experience in houseplant care or those ready to take on a bit more of a challenge. With the right conditions, it can thrive and become a striking feature in your home.

About Lazy Flora

Lazy Flora stands as a beacon for both the green-thumbed and those who aspire to add a touch of greenery to their lives with the utmost convenience. Born from a passion for plants and a recognition of the challenges of modern living spaces, Lazy Flora has carved a niche as a premier subscription service that delivers high-quality, nursery-fresh plants directly to your door. Our service caters to a wide array of preferences and needs, including pet-friendly options, ensuring that every plant enthusiast can find their perfect green companion without worry.

At Lazy Flora, we believe that everyone deserves to have a bit of nature's beauty in their lives, regardless of their schedule or living situation. That's why we've meticulously curated our selections to suit varied tastes and environments, from lush indoor greenery to vibrant outdoor blooms. Each subscription box is thoughtfully prepared to include not just a plant, but a comprehensive care guide and the option to add a premium pot, making the integration of plants into your home as seamless as possible.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our customer service, where we pride ourselves on ensuring that each plant arrives at your doorstep in peak condition, ready to thrive in its new home. With flexible delivery options, including monthly and bi-monthly subscriptions, and courier delivery included in the price, Lazy Flora offers an unparalleled level of convenience and quality.

Whether you're gifting to a plant lover or cultivating your own urban jungle, Lazy Flora is your partner in bringing the serenity and beauty of nature into your life. Join us in our mission to greenify spaces, one plant at a time, with minimal fuss and maximum joy.

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