20 - 30cm Spathiphyllum Diamond Peace Lilly Variegated 12cm Pot House Plant

The Spathiphyllum 'Diamond' Variegated, commonly known as the Variegated Peace Lily, is a beautifully unique variant of the classic Peace Lily. This plant stands out due to its striking variegated leaves, which feature splashes of white and green, providing an eye-catching contrast against the typical...

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20 - 30cm Spathiphyllum Diamond Peace Lilly Variegated 12cm Pot House Plant

20 - 30cm Spathiphyllum Diamond Peace Lilly Variegated 12cm Pot House Plant


20 - 30cm Spathiphyllum Diamond Peace Lilly Variegated 12cm Pot House Plant


The Spathiphyllum 'Diamond' Variegated, commonly known as the Variegated Peace Lily, is a beautifully unique variant of the classic Peace Lily. This plant stands out due to its striking variegated leaves, which feature splashes of white and green, providing an eye-catching contrast against the typical lush dark green of other Peace Lily varieties. Here's a detailed description and care guide for the Variegated Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum 'Diamond':


The Variegated Peace Lily 'Diamond' showcases broad, glossy leaves that are elegantly variegated with patterns of cream, white, and green. This variegation adds a decorative element to its already graceful appearance. The plant also produces the characteristic white, hood-like sheath (spathe), which encloses the spadix — a spike of minute flowers, typical of Peace Lilies. These spathes add a further ornamental quality to the plant, typically blooming in the spring.

Care Guide


Variegated Peace Lilies prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate lower light levels, which may reduce the variegation in new leaves and slow down flowering. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves, particularly the lighter, variegated sections.


Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Peace Lilies prefer evenly moist soil but not waterlogged. They are sensitive to overwatering, which can lead to root rot. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the soil become completely dry.


Use a well-draining, rich organic potting soil. A mix designed for houseplants, containing peat, perlite, and vermiculite, works well by retaining moisture and allowing excess water to drain.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature for a Variegated Peace Lily is between 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. They do not tolerate cold drafts or temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius well. High humidity levels are beneficial; mist the leaves regularly or use a pebble tray to increase humidity, particularly if your indoor environment is dry.


Feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 6-8 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Be cautious with fertilization; excessive feeding can harm the plant, especially variegated varieties, which are more sensitive to chemical burn.


Remove yellow or brown leaves to keep the plant healthy and attractive. Pruning spent flowers can also encourage new growth and future blooms.

Pests and Diseases

Watch out for common indoor pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale. Treat infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Ensure good air circulation around the plant to prevent fungal infections.

The Variegated Peace Lily 'Diamond' is a visually stunning and relatively easy-to-care-for plant. With its impressive foliage and occasional blooms, it makes a perfect addition to spaces needing a touch of elegance and a boost in air quality, as Peace Lilies are known for their air-purifying properties. Proper care will ensure this plant remains a beautiful and healthy part of your indoor garden for years to come.

About Lazy Flora

Lazy Flora stands as a beacon for both the green-thumbed and those who aspire to add a touch of greenery to their lives with the utmost convenience. Born from a passion for plants and a recognition of the challenges of modern living spaces, Lazy Flora has carved a niche as a premier subscription service that delivers high-quality, nursery-fresh plants directly to your door. Our service caters to a wide array of preferences and needs, including pet-friendly options, ensuring that every plant enthusiast can find their perfect green companion without worry.

At Lazy Flora, we believe that everyone deserves to have a bit of nature's beauty in their lives, regardless of their schedule or living situation. That's why we've meticulously curated our selections to suit varied tastes and environments, from lush indoor greenery to vibrant outdoor blooms. Each subscription box is thoughtfully prepared to include not just a plant, but a comprehensive care guide and the option to add a premium pot, making the integration of plants into your home as seamless as possible.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our customer service, where we pride ourselves on ensuring that each plant arrives at your doorstep in peak condition, ready to thrive in its new home. With flexible delivery options, including monthly and bi-monthly subscriptions, and courier delivery included in the price, Lazy Flora offers an unparalleled level of convenience and quality.

Whether you're gifting to a plant lover or cultivating your own urban jungle, Lazy Flora is your partner in bringing the serenity and beauty of nature into your life. Join us in our mission to greenify spaces, one plant at a time, with minimal fuss and maximum joy.

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